Advantages of Insurance
Reasonably profit: The businessmen can earn a reasonable profit for their business. The insurance can help the people to earn the same rate or profit if business fails to generate income
Protection of property: the personal and business property is protected from actual losses. The accident and life policy provides protection for loss of income. The fire and marine policies protect loss of property and income.
Employment increases: the insurance provide employment to different persons. The people get jobs as salesmen and sales officers.
Risk sharing: the large number of person contributes their money to a common pool. All members do not suffer loss. The funds collected are used to compensate the few who suffer loss. Thus loss of few is spread over the numerous members.
Low prices: the insurance has helped businessmen to sell goods at low prices. The percentage for risk of loss is not added to the cost of products. The risk of loss is covered by the insurance policy.
Risk transfer: the business is not free from risk of loss. The insurance contract provides that insurance company will pay certain sum of money on the happening of certain event. The businessmen can transfer the risk of loss to the insurance company against the payment of certain premium.
Life policy is an investment: the purchases of life insurance policy are an investment. The risk of loss is other investments. There is protection of loss in insurance investment.
Security for loan: The life insurance is used as security against loan. The insurance companies and the banks lend money against the life polices.
Economics of large scale: the business men do their work of production and sales of goods. The insurance companies do their work of selling policies to protest people of loss. The businessmen feel free from loss so they have large scale business to get the economies of large scale.
Social benefits: the workers receive social benefit under insurance the employer can pay insurance premium to the insurance companies provide social benefit to workers
Exporters are protected: the insurance companies help exporters for sending good abroad. The marine policy provides protection to the exporters in cass of loss.